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Welcome to Adio Innovative
Adio Innovative Limited. AIL was incorporated in 2014. The main purpose of forming the company then was to commercialize two US patents which I had obtained. At present I and my wife are directors andy daughter is the secretary.
The company’s major income activity at this time is leather tanning, which was the major activity of our forerunner company, Besttan International Ltd. Leather tanning was passed down to me from grandfather, Alexis Thomas, who learnt it from his father, Mr. Cardinal Thomas, who tanned leather for the the purpose of making shoes, sometime in the 1920s and early 1930s in Grenada.
I started leather tanning some 26 years ago, researching and innovating to produce a vegetable tanned leather that is o premium quality. The exercise has also been an avenue for me to practice innovation, creating a rotating wooden tanning drum, which up to this day, is the only one used on the English speaking Caribbean. However, although much fame had was gained, the same cannot be said about finances. By the way, all those activities were done on a part time basis since I taught full time, due to retire May this year. This is our second attempt to take our business activity online, combining all our skills, creativity and innovative a abilities to inspire others and create wealth.
Our vision taken from the company’s initial(AIL), Aiming to inspire lives. Our mission to be a world recognized online retail company on h next two years.ore can be said, but you will have to ask specific questions.
Ambokile Adio
Ambokile Adio – CEO